Mindful Business Moment
No really, this is your moment to settle in. Grab a cup of tea. Take three deep breaths in… and out slowly letting the day’s tension release. Say, ‘Ahhhhhhh’ with a sigh. Close your eyes and hold your deepest vision of what you truly desire. Let’s see how our collective vision compares. Okay, click the button.
Hello, I’m Lucy and…well, let’s start at, I don’t like the status quo and I believe life is a journey here to serve us. If you agree, keep reading. Perhaps we’re walking parallel paths.
I’ve had my own business most of my life. Not all one business, though one thread through it all—to lead people to move forward authentically and efficiently through empowering themselves. The Essence of what we need, to feel empowered is the same whether I doing graphic design for a fortune 500 company, teaching students on the yoga mat, or collaborating with small business owners who need marketing and tech know-how for their dream business.
And during these many years, I’ve also had several “big and really challenging” adventures that left me injured, unable to work, and with lots and lots of questions. Like, “What does any of this life—this struggle for life mean?”
Your actual experiences may not be the same as mine, yet if you’re reading this, we likely have a similar emotional foundation and desire to live our best life with ease.
This life journey I’ve taken has brought me to my knees a few times—
- A divorce that left me without a home, a husband, a community, a business
- The suicide of a loved one that left me in deep grief with more questions than answers
- A major high-speed motorcycle accident left me unable to walk for three months in a wheelchair.
- A concussion that left me without the ability to work for six months…(I’m a computer techie and a yogi…no screen time or forward folds allowed)
Have you ever thought to yourself, “I don’t know anything.” And then wondered if that was really true?
I’ve had that thought many times, yet I know it’s not true for me. Or for you.
As entrepreneurs, coaches, instructors, and other change agents, we fight for integrity and truth. We know spirit and work are aligned and need to be in harmony for life to be the rich, abundant journey we desire.
After each of the challenges that felt insurmountable in that moment of my life, I could feel the ground quaking, and yet I knew I would find a way forward. I’ve learned to ask for help. I took refuge in my friends. I learned how to rest and get well while still juggling the bills. I discovered new tools and resources for support. After all, I still had deadlines and a deep desire to give back through tech coaching and creative consulting.
And here we are living life, so often deadline-driven instead of inspired.
Especially as ‘human beings’, seeking to be ‘human doings’—
- We think not having enough time is a real thing. And it is if we make it so. It gives us something to blame.
- We think we don’t know enough to lead or charge for our value. And it is true when we hold onto outdated beliefs of not feeling worthy.
- We think we are not productive enough. And it’s true when we lose focus or chase after too many shiny objects thinking that are the answer
- We think we are powerless and we are when we don’t include self-care on our to-do list on a regular basis because we become exhausted, frustrated, impatient with ourselves or our clients
- We think we lack clarity because we are too afraid or lack the support we need to commit to and go for our dreams
So this journey we call life? It is confusing…
Somedays we feel totally on fire.
Others we are so deeply saddened with grief—to the core. Perhaps even beyond sad having landed at numb.
The trampoline of life calls and we’re off jumping and perhaps bumping up against the guardrails of our minds. Wandering again and wondering which way to jump to reach our goals.
After each major life incident, I was left curious, perhaps you too; I’m out of my mind with questions…
There are many would-of, should-of, could-of thoughts that swim through my mind. They circle around like a predator seeking its prey!
And yet we continue to gather in community through it all. Challenged. Joyful. Continuously exploring how to be more present and grounded in our body. For me, I found yoga. And community connections. Two core tools I use to navigate the cycles of life with greater ease.
And I have many other tools and resources that have made my life a place I desire to fully be.
After decades of working with large corporations, like Disney, Mary Kay, Avon, Becton Dickinson, Calvin Klein, Coty, Neutrogena, Revlon, Tom Ford. I added to that world another business, Santosha School of Yoga. I become a yoga teacher at my own studio. Now, at Motivate Mastery, I work with women and men like you who also design an abundant life and business without compromise.
The Motivate Mastery program was inspired by you. We offer personal service, attention to detail and group collaboration and accountability to bring ease of implementation to all your business and challenging life moments. It’s a hybrid ‘done-for-you’ and creative coaching services.
When we work together to strengthen the areas of your ‘human-being’ energy that are draining and limiting you to align with your primary buoyant energy, you’ll not only see a more unified approach to your business but also to your life. We work closely with you and customize the support so you achieve your goals and bring your ideas to your dream business while fully enjoying life.
If we’ve walked parallel paths and you’re like to explore consciously walking together, join me in our Motivate Mastery mastermind group. We’d love to have you as we continue to deepen and expand our ability to move through the struggle to thrive. Because life is a series of cycles, it’s an ongoing journey of evolution. Join us for community, accountability, new tools, and resources to support you. And did I mention, it’s free to start a 30-minute breakthrough session.
CLICK to Apply here today

Our Process
• Book a free strategy breakthrough call
• Put us on retainer for ‘Done-for-You’ work
• Register for our Group Coaching Course—Tech and Marketing Communications Transformation: business floundering to thriving digital business in 7 weeks
• Sign up for our newsletter for tips and life design/marketing pointers.